Foods That Reduce Heartburn Aren't There Bad Effects Of Prilosec OTC And Not Having Enough Acid In Your Stomach? (Heartburn)?

Aren't there bad effects of Prilosec OTC and not having enough acid in your stomach? (Heartburn)? - foods that reduce heartburn

I plan to Prilosec OTC heartburn yesterday and I did a little research on the pill before you start taking it.

It seems that to stop what is required, or to reduce the production of acid in the stomach .... Now ... common sense, need food break any acid? Kept acid production area for you bad, because foods are not properly ventilated? Or am I missing something ...?


rx mel said...

All medicines have side effects. You can learn more about Prilosec (Omeprazole) from various websites, or reading the information on the packaging of OTC product. Their sales in the pharmacy will explain how the drug works, side effects and May, which is the best way to use it to control heartburn too. What accommodate the need for acid to the diet are, of course, correct. However, Displays, heartburn, that you too much acid and the remedial measures to reduce the amount, not to eliminate them (which is almost impossible). You do not have enough acid to digest food. A major concern that has arisen recently is the use of (proton pump) inhibitors of the IPP is the class of drugs, including omeprazole, that the calcium absorption and utilization, which may be affected may, to an undesirable situations on the Internet. It is associated with prolonged use of drugs.

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