Birthday Cakes Vic Novelty Cake??

Novelty cake?? - birthday cakes vic

I also get my child Lil''verde''a the sheep of his birthday cake. Questions? What is the best way to make a novelty cake to be cut so much to do? I have tried everywhere and fell. The cake should not be sealed?
It is the image of the sheep that wants to do, but green! ...

Any help much appreciated before I mad!


☀´`♥ Mazzy ♥´.☀ ☀ said...

The cake would be better if it was difficult .... However, my best advice, the pieces with a little jam, butter-cream stick, then it must be frozen so it does not move when you try to decorate .. ..... and to find the crumbs not as a rule!

Hello, you Wodonga BTW!

ckngbbbl... said...

that the form would be great if in a cake of ice and not try to make the form itself. Head would be difficult to cut, but probably the easiest draw, with frosting, because it simply lines. Print design, and enlarge it. Sheep body itself would be a bouquet of roses and soft green glaze head and legs with a green line details in black frosting or icing darker green. It is my suggestion anyway. Good luck, it's fun to do these things for children, is not it?

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