Wikipedia And Teachers Why Do Teachers Hate Wikipedia?

Why do teachers hate wikipedia? - wikipedia and teachers

It owns and G0dlike. It saves time, so complete, that neutrality is not one-sided. Under the assumption that personal beliefs can be better represented by the writer, who will tell you about the neutrality of this article, etc.

Review There are many people on the newsgroups to make sure is that it is accurate, faster than any other updated encyclopedia, never out of date, articles have so many references! I can not think of anything wrong in Wikipedia. He taught me many things, millions of articles!

So why teachers do not always say NO Wikipedia in the bibliography?


libturd said...

slightly more intelligent than they,

sir_z_ma... said...

Teachers do not have all the "hatred" of Wikipedia. I have 1 teacher who frequent the Wikipedia article on conferences and 1, which encourages us to be known for a great mission experience. The reason why we do not use for ongoing research for 2 reasons:

1. Like all encyclopedias, is a higher source, a summary of published information. You should not as a source. The printed version of the Wikipedia article of the United States is only 28 pages, this corresponds to a handbook of the United States for 1000 pages of history.

2. It is not always displayed. All items are for accuracy before they read and did not say that he had reviewed. This applies not only to Wikipedia, but much of the Internet. You want to randomly use Yahoo Answers as a source or a website, you can find?

Answer_S... said...

From every member can fix anything in the article, Wikipedia has many errors. Furthermore, using homework, teachers, what he knows, he goes to a free

Allison Christine said...

Since this is one of the best sources, and do not want to copy the work, because it is so great

Anonymous said...

The teachers do not want Wikipedia in bibliographies for several reasons. One of them, it's no secret that the school system is designed so that partial and indoctrinate children with pro-government views (why not use the government to support their schools?). Due to the fact that Wikipedia is not that other views that the school system, I like (not me, there are actually university professors, Wikipedia is not, as they try to distort and objects in general, with the exception of Article global warming can not) .

In addition to his dislike Wikipedia, reacting to reports from the tabloid press (seen the same phenomenon with MySpace) that Wikipedia as a full display of vandalism inaccuarate (in fact, catches almost all Wikipedia vandalism in 15 minutes and article on John Seigenthaler written today one of the best articles in Wikipedia and nobody escapes), destroying it.

The best thing to do is to use Wikipedia, quoting sources, but the art Wikipediacles instead of Wikipedia. In this way, you have a wealth of information and the teacher does not believe he is still using Wikipedia.

Horsmn4 said...

Back in my youth, before Al Gore invented the Internet, the teachers say "No encyclopedias.

I have too often correct - "No encyclopedias"

But I digress.

The conclusion is that they want, from a common format for all sources of reference.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that the wiki article that you published by a lunatic.

But it is what it is - read the wiki, take notes and bibliographic sources to verify whether (as we do with encyclopedias)

Anonymous said...

They hate the Wikipedia, because no one can change the information contained herein, the data prove to be incorrect. The reason why the teachers do not want Wikipedia to be used during school hours, as it links to gaming sites that the school does not block Wikipedia does not block.

rk72192 said...

cuz no one in the world and edit editing Wikipedia at any given time.

For example: Suppose you wrote a report on A + basketball legends. They have all the information from Wikipedia and other countries. You write the page and start from /.............

Bull Shite test sometimes there are Wikipedia and change it so that all information is assessed on the basis of what is true.

O is the reason, or because the stupid people enter and edit information, and therefore not true what you say about Wikipedia is wrong and you will get a poorer quality.

rk72192 said...

cuz no one in the world and edit editing Wikipedia at any given time.

For example: Suppose you wrote a report on A + basketball legends. They have all the information from Wikipedia and other countries. You write the page and start from /.............

Bull Shite test sometimes there are Wikipedia and change it so that all information is assessed on the basis of what is true.

O is the reason, or because the stupid people enter and edit information, and therefore not true what you say about Wikipedia is wrong and you will get a poorer quality.

Heather H said...

Teachers believe that contains the information that it can be easily edited and unreliable. But the teachers are stupid anyway. Then just continue with Wikipedia.

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